Virginia Robinson Gardens Logo

Strategic Planning Consultant, 2023 to Present

Co-leading with Phil Kohlmetz in-person and online planning meetings with a team of Los Angeles County Administrators and Friends of the Robinson Gardens Volunteers in preparation for museum accreditation application.


InterMusicSF Logo

Strategic Planning Consultant, 2021-2023
Facilitation of the strategic planning process in collaboration with Staff and Board.

BSO Logo

Strategic Planning, 2020-2021
Working in partnership with Phil Kohlmetz for fundraising planning and executive coaching, and in collaboration with The Berkeley Group for marketing research. Fully facilitated using online platforms.

Creativity Explored Logo

Strategic Planning, 2020-2021
Fully facilitated using online platforms. Staff and Board are guided in their collaborative work to create an actionable and ambitious strategic plan.


Paul Dresher Ensemble Logo

Strategic Planning, 2019-2020
Consulting facilitation of strategic plan and development of business operations plan. Funded by the Hewlett Foundation.

Paufve Dance Logo

Strategic Planning, 2019-2020
Funded by the California Arts Council.


Community Music Center Logo

Strategic Planning, 2018-2019 Facilitating organization-wide strategic planning process to engage internal and external stakeholders in articulation of a 5-year plan to support build out of facility.



Strategic Planning, 2018
Facilitated strategic planning committee, guided community meetings, engaged executive committee, and conducted online survey to aid alliance in identifying strategic priorities.


Intersection for the Arts logo



Director of Professional Development, 2019-2024

Oversight of all arts management training program creation, implementation and including technical support. Solely presented Incubate to Accelerate program in 2024.


Center for Cultural Innovation logo

Business of Art, Program Trainer and Cluster Counselor, 2009-2011, 2013, 2016, 2017, 2020-2024

Facilitate sessions on building Business Model Canvas, SMART Goals, and Strategic Plan Development in multi-session cohort series. Sessions delivered to online and in-person in Berkeley, Oakland, San Francisco, San Jose, Sacramento, and West Hollywood, CA.


Business of Art Cohort Facilitator and Coach, 2024

Arts & Cultural Equity Fellowship Trainer, 2023

Facilitator of Strategic Planning Cohort Series for 6 Sonoma County Arts Alliances, Financial Vibrancy workshop facilitator and one-to-one coach for program participants.


Golden Gate University logo

Departments Chair, 2024 to Present

Department Chair for Organizational Leadership and Human Skills Development, Undergraduate School of Business

Interim Department Chair for Management, Undergraduate School of Business

Full Time Visiting Assistant Professor, 2024 to Present

Visiting Assistant Professor, School of Undergraduate Studies

Doctor of Business Administration, Completed 2023

Dissertation topic: Exploration of California worker status law compliance on arts fiscal sponsors and fiscally sponsored arts projects: A case study. Completed under the guidance of Dr. Anne W. Smith, Dr. Steven Crane and Dr. Shalini Golpalkrishnan.

Adjunct Faculty, 2019 to 2024

Professor of Social and Emotional Intelligence at Work and The Manager as Communicator.

Oklahoma University M.A. in Arts Management logo

Adjunct Faculty, 2023 to Present

Professor of Arts Entrepreneurship and Strategic Leadership courses for online M.A. in Arts Management program. Responsible for designing the courses and delivering coursework. Advisor for Independent Studies.

St. Mary's Leap
Advisor-Instructor, 2013 to Present

Liberal Education for Arts Professionals (LEAP) designing custom business courses for professional dancers earning their Bachelor of Arts degree.


Berkeley Art Center, Berkeley, CA

In-Person Retreat Facilitator, 2024

Facilitation of Board retreat to address organizational development and business model stabilization.

Yerba Buena Gardens Festival, San Francisco, CA

In-Person Retreat Facilitator, 2024

Facilitation of Board-Staff retreat to address organization Vision and Goals post-pandemic. Worked collaboratively with a team of Board and Staff representatives over a 2-month period to design retreat.

Cloverdale Arts Alliance, Cloverdale, CA

In-Person Retreat Facilitator, 2024

Facilitation of Board retreat to guide organization developing their strategic plan. Worked collaboratively with a team of Board and Staff representatives to design retreat.

City of Emeryville, CA, Annual Purchase Award

Facilitator, 2022-2023

Facilitation support of the Annual Public Art Purchase Award selection, installation and celebration.

Roxie Theater, San Francisco, CA

Board Retreat Facilitation, 2022

Facilitation of day-long planning session to engage and prepare the Board of Directors for strategic planning.

Sharing Power: Sacramento, CA Solidarity Economies and the Arts

Meeting Facilitator 2022
Facilitation of visioning discussion between artists-funders-cultural workers. Resulted in visualization of needs and possibilities. Coordinated by Center for Cultural Innovation.

Sharing economy map